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Joy's Gallery/Drawing

Growing Up Growing Up, Acrylic ink on paper, 25×25cm, 2012 This is an event piece for 'Joy Jo Art & Music City Pass' owners. The original canvas painting is given to the winner and these NFT editions are fairly given to 39 of Joy Jo's 'City Frens'! 조이조 콜렉터 모임 9월 추첨 이벤트 작품의 원화는 당첨자 분께 전달 드렸고, 해당 NFT 에디션은 지난 9월 26일 총 39명의 조이조 씨티패스 도시 친구들에게 공정하게 전송되었습니다. [작품 경로] https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276.. 더보기
난 사라지지 않으려_Not to disappear, 2013 난 사라지지 않으려_Not to disappear, Acrylic and ink on paper, 57.5×38cm, 2013 개인전이 끝난 후 삼개월 만에 처음으로 작업을 하고 싶은 마음이 들었다. 이 한곡 때문에. 음악을 들으며 작업한 것은 지난 레지던시 때 독일 학생들을 대상으로 갑자기 잡혔던 세미나 내용을 만드느라 어쩔 수 없이 했던 적 밖에는 없다. 생각지도 못한 터닝포인트로 다가왔다. 이곡이 내게는. 흔적- '난 사라지지 않으려' 난 사라지지 않으려 오늘도 또 애쓰고 견디며 한발짝 걸치고 서있네난 아무것도 모른 채 곁에만 서성이다 이제야 진실이 무언지 알았네 저 화려한 불빛은 숨이 막혀 하염없이 그렇게 나난 조용한 하늘에 안심하며 살아가네 살아가네 (어딘지도 모르고 어딜 향하는지도 몰라 옳은지.. 더보기
A Long Distance Voyage_Pen, colored pencil on paper_4×6"_2012 A Long Distance Voyage_Pen, colored pencil on paper_4×6"_2012 더보기
2012_Growth 2012_Growth_Ink on paper_30×30cm 더보기
(SOLD) 2012_Augsburg Rathaus_Ink on paper_30×30cm 2012_Augsburg Rathaus_Ink on paper_30×30cm (Sold in Germany) 더보기
2011_Sacrifice 2011_Sacrifice_Ink on paper_30×30cm 15.11.2011. In the train from Berlin. It was a dark, chilly night. I saw death and birth from the intriguing darkness. 더보기
Thoughts from 2006 things you've been through. everything was vague like fog but, It was only a starting point. - a piece of drawing from 2006, from my early twenties. 더보기
2011_Explosion 2011_Explosion_Ink on paper_30×30cm 더보기
(SOLD) 2011_How were you 2011_How were you_Ink on paper_30×30cm (Sold in Germany) 더보기
2011_German Owl 2011_German Owl_Ink on paper_30×30cm 더보기
(SOLD) 2011_Andreas Andreas, a person like great tree beside river. 03.07.2011 Augsburg, Germany. (Sold in Germany) 더보기
(SOLD) 2008_beyond 2008_Beyond_Ink on paper_A3 (Sold in Australia) 더보기
2011_Memories of Big Ben 2011_Memories of Big Ben_Ink on paper 20.9×29.7cm 1st of January, 2011. 더보기
Embrace me_2010 Acrylic ink on paper. 더보기
2008_Feeling of Melbourne Central Feeling of Melbourne Central_Ink on paper_18×26cm_2008 Melbourne Central station was such a great place to draw. There is some free place where people can use as they want on 2nd floor. There are always many students studying, using laptop, chattering or sketching something. I met David Piper; great cartoon artist there for the first time and we drew people together. He visited Busan last spring.. 더보기