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Personal Space, 2021 (Video & Music) Revised Video Personal Space 2021, Art and Music by Joy Jo, 30sec, 2021 Physical Painting 우주, 개인적 공간의 확장 | Personal Space, Acrylic on canvas, 100×100cm, 2011 공간에 대한 갈망으로 가득하던 그때를 넘어 몸도 마음도 편안히 내려놓을 수 있는 여러 공간을 가지게 된 요즘. 다시금 재구성한 내면의 공간에는 어느덧 분노와 결핍 대신 감사와 경외가 스며들었다. 20대에는 개인적 공간의 확장으로서 우주를 떠올렸다면, 30 중반을 훌쩍 넘긴 지금 나의 우주는 안정과 상승, 몰입의 시기에 접어들었다. Beyond those days when I was suffering from longing fo.. 더보기
Rainy Day, 2021 'Rainy Day' is a reinterpretation of a photo taken at 11:30 pm on the way home from work in the rain. I reinterpreted it with my emotions before going to sleep that night. Purple, violet, and blue are the colors in my vein which I use often. I devote all my days off to make art, but I always feel struggling at some point. But it is fortunate that these feelings of vainness and sadness are helpin.. 더보기
내면의 풍경 - 낮 | The Mindscape - day Direct and indirect experiences of space are penetrated in our minds according to how impressive the experience was. ⁠ ⁠ 'The Mindscape' is literally a landscape of the mind that is drawn together with inner thoughts, perceptions, and unconsciousness. ⁠ ⁠ This space, which may seem like a 'harsh superego', repeats itself as it boils and breaks even in the freezing air. ⁠ ⁠ However, it never disa.. 더보기