Joy's Workspace 썸네일형 리스트형 Life, leaf,flower,fruit Life, leaf,flower,fruit_Ink on paper_18×26cm_2007 삶, 처음에는 잎이요, 다음엔 꽃, 그리고 비로소 열매 맺는 인생의 경로. 더보기 Blacksheep Backpackers Hotel in Queenstown Blacksheep in Queenstown_ink on craft paper_2008 It was bright morning of Queenstown in February. A kiwi guy was watching TV at the lounge while I was drawing. I just loved the colours there. Everything seemed so clear and vivid. 더보기 Eagle on the mountain Eagle on the mountain_ink on craft paper_A4_2009 더보기 In the city In the city_27×39cm_watercolour,ink on paper_2008 I'm walking in the dark cold city...without any facial expression. 더보기 City flow . 도시는 끊임없이 흐른다. 시간이라는 강을 타고서 유유히... 마치 거대한 물고기처럼.. 아무 것도 변하지 않은 듯 보여도 어느 새 뒤돌아 보면 이만치 흘러와 있다 city flow _40×50cm_acrylic,ink on acrylicboard_2008 더보기 Fish on the dead city Fish on the dead city_ink, marker on paper_18×26cm_2007 죽은 도시 위를 유유히 헤엄친다. 희망어린 무언가를 싣고서... It is the 2nd one that I drew in Melbourne. I was sitting down at cafeteria in RMIT university near my home. I put vermilion ink on that paper first, without any concept. I developed that shape of vermilion to a fish and made it fly above the dead city. 더보기 Tiger Tiger_pen on sketchbook_2007 I don't know why, but everyone I know loves this one. back then, I was so young(still though...) and exhausted. It was too early to be kept in that small and stuffy room in company. I was searching for something like hope. I think, this tiger already knew the answer even that moment I drew her. yeah, right. finally, I got it. I'm still drawing. and I won't look back. 더보기 Life drawing 2009-2 Life drawing from ANU, Canberra, Australia. Charcoal, ink on paper_A1_2009 더보기 Life drawing 2009-1 Life drawing from Canberra, ANU. Mixed media on paper_A3_2009 더보기 이전 1 ··· 11 12 13 14 다음