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Massive Attack, 2021 (Sold) Massive Attack 3000× 4000 pixels, 300 dpi, 2021 Massive Attack의 'Tear Drop'을 들으며 느낀 것들. Expressed the emotions I felt while listening to 'Teardrop' by Massive Attack. 더보기
수렴기류 Converging Air Current, 2021 수렴기류 Converging Air Current_Acrylic on canvas_162.2×130.3cm, 2021 순간순간 미세하게 변화하며 온도를 유지하는 공기와 순식간에 대지를 횡단하는 바람은 분명 같은 성질을 가지고 있지만 ‘움직임’의 여부에 따라 달리 기능하며 때로 전혀 상관없는 존재로 여겨지기도 한다. 하루 동안 머물고 스쳐 가기를 반복하는 우리의 감정과 생각들, 혹은 감정이나 생각이라 정의되기도 전에 마음속을 관통하는 찰나의 부스러기들은 지구 전체에 스며들어 있는 공기와도, 또한 지구 곳곳을 누비는 바람과도 같다. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Cocktail Universe Abstract Diary - Cocktail Universe [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the moment, I r.. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Under The Bridge (Sold) Abstract Diary - Under The Bridge Aug 27, 2021 [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the.. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Hopefully Abstract Diary - Hopefully Aug 17, 2021 [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the moment.. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Freeway Abstract Diary - Freeway [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the moment, I record one .. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Brut, but sweet Abstract Diary - Brut, but sweet [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the moment, I rec.. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Congrats! Abstract Diary - Congrats! Jul 26, 2021 [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the moment.. 더보기
Abstract Diary - Night Walk (Sold) Abstract Diary - Night Walk Aug 16, 2021 [Joy's Abstract Diary] An abstract diary is my way of recording a day that is like a moment in the most momentous way. There are no detailed words, no elegantly expressed writing, or anything that makes me completely immerse myself in the emotions of that day more than this single abstract painting. In the form that most resembles the essence of the momen.. 더보기
Ascending Air, 2021 Ascending Air_Acrylic on canvas_162.2×130.3cm_2021.jpg 상승기류. 더보기
In The Forest, 2021 In The Forest, Acrylic on canvas, 80.3×80.3cm, 2021 나이기도, 나의 공간이기도 한 행성이 고요한 숲속 한 가운데 떠 있다. 거대한 존재들이 주위를 감싸고 있지만, 그들은 힘의 균형을 지키며 서로를 침범하지 않는다. 자유로우면서도 함께 아름다울 수 있는 균형을 유지하는 것. 그것이야말로 성숙해간다는 의미가 아닐까. A planet that is both me and my space is floating in the middle of a quiet forest. Huge beings surround them, but they keep the balance of power and do not invade each other. To keep the balance of b.. 더보기
Deep Dream [Lyrics] Let the deep dream go Let there (be) beautiful stars by your head May the deep pain breathe Then you'll finally see your lights 고통은 너무 무거워서, 태풍이 휩쓸고 지나간 마음속에도 우두커니 남아 있다. 깊은 꿈은 고통을 숨 쉬게 하고, 나는 그 꿈을 먼 곳으로 보낸다. 머리가 저린 묵직한 고통이 지나면, 무엇을 해야 하는지가 더욱 명확해질 것이다. 내 안의 밤에 새로운 빛이 들어오기를 고대하며 노래를 부른다. [NFT 링크] https://foundation.app/@artistjoyjo/deep-dream-painting-music-72200 더보기
A Single Day (Video & Music) Video The Mindscape - A Single Day, Art and Music by Joy Jo, 17 sec, 2021 Physical Painting The Mindscape - A Single Day, Acrylic on canvas, 30×30cm, 2021 더보기
The Era of Wind (Video & Music) Video The Era of Wind 2021, Art and Music by Joy Jo, 15 sec, 2021 Physical Painting The Era of Wind, Acrylic on canvas, 80.3×80.3cm, 2021 더보기
Personal Space, 2021 (Video & Music) Revised Video Personal Space 2021, Art and Music by Joy Jo, 30sec, 2021 Physical Painting 우주, 개인적 공간의 확장 | Personal Space, Acrylic on canvas, 100×100cm, 2011 공간에 대한 갈망으로 가득하던 그때를 넘어 몸도 마음도 편안히 내려놓을 수 있는 여러 공간을 가지게 된 요즘. 다시금 재구성한 내면의 공간에는 어느덧 분노와 결핍 대신 감사와 경외가 스며들었다. 20대에는 개인적 공간의 확장으로서 우주를 떠올렸다면, 30 중반을 훌쩍 넘긴 지금 나의 우주는 안정과 상승, 몰입의 시기에 접어들었다. Beyond those days when I was suffering from longing fo.. 더보기