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Joy's Workspace

(SOLD) 2011_Sea of Life 2011_Sea of Life_Acrylic on canvas_91.4×61cm (Sold in UK) 2011_Sea of Life (part) 더보기
About Sid - The Little Prince 더보기
Nocturne - Animating, Drawing and Music by Joy Jo Nocturne-Under the Northern Lights_Acrylic, ink on paper_A3 Nocturne - Animating, Drawing and Music by Joy Jo Click this link to watch it on youtube 더보기
(SOLD) 2008_beyond 2008_Beyond_Ink on paper_A3 (Sold in Australia) 더보기
2011_Rose-man About Sid #9 Rose-man_Ink, conte, thread tape on A4 sheets 더보기
2011_Climber About Sid #6-2 Climber_Ink on A4 sheet_2011 더보기
(N/A) 2011_Where I am 2011_Where I am_Acrylic on canvas_50.8×40.6cm (Not available) 더보기
(SOLD) 2011_Creation 2011_Creation_Acrylic on canvas_76.2×61cm (Sold in UK) 더보기
(SOLD) 2010_Cluster of Galaxies 1-3 2010_Cluster of Galaxies 3_24.3×33.2cm_Acrylic on canvas (Sold in Korea) 2010_Cluster of Galaxies 2_24.2×33.3cm_Acrylic on canvas (Sold in Korea) 2010_Cluster of Galaxies 1_22.7×15.7cm_Acrylic on canvas (Sold in Korea) 더보기
(LOST) 2011_Isolated City 2011_Isolated City_Acrylic on canvas_50.8×40.6cm (Lost in Norway, Oslo) from the last day of 2010 to the first day of 2011. in the deep sorrow. 더보기
2011_Memories of Big Ben 2011_Memories of Big Ben_Ink on paper 20.9×29.7cm 1st of January, 2011. 더보기
2010_Auroratic Nebula 2010_Auroratic Nebula_22.7×15.7cm_Acrylic on canvas 더보기
2008_The Dancer of tiny Heaven 2008_작은 천국의 무희(The dancer of tiny heaven)_100×73cm_acrylic on canvas 더보기
2010_The Womb The Womb Acrylic,ink on paper, 60×78.5, 2010 더보기
2010 To the castle 2010_To the castle_Acrylic on paper_52.5×38.5cm A voyage to the castle, my pharos. 더보기